Monday, June 26, 2006

Freedom of Speech, except...

There hasn't been a documented flag burning incident in the U.S. in years so what does the Congress do to address this non-problem? They try to amend the U.S. Constitution. According to Raw Story the Flag Burning Amendment doesn't have the votes to pass in the Senate falling short of the 67 votes needed. I'm hoping this is true. Wait. How can it be that close since the Republicans only have 55 seats in the Senate you ask? Because some Democrats support it. Who am I talking about? Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Evan Bayh and Minority Leader Harry Reid to name a few. What a disgrace of an opposition party.

Remember, the Bill of Rights has never been changed since these amendments came into effect in 1791. Not a single change to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution which explicity limit the Federal government's powers and protecting the rights of the people by preventing, among other things, Congress from abridging freedom of speech. So what do the Republicans with the shameful help of some Senate Democrats want to do? They want to abridge your freedom of speech. Well maybe not you since you wouldn't burn an American flag. But banning flag burning puts us in the same catagory as Iran, Cuba, China and Iraq. And the right of some jackass somewhere in America to burn an American flag must be protected. His right to offend just about everyone is no less important than my right to offend just about everyone with my daily blog rantings. The two are conjoined twins and trying to separate this right from that one will, as with trying to separate siamese twins, lead to fatal consequences.

According to one study there were only 45 reported flag burning incidents in the first 200 years of the republic. That means there are probably more historical incidents of witch-burning than flag-burning. Should we have a Witch Protection Amendment? Oh god. I hope I didn't just give the Senate a new idea to amend the Constitution.


Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

As I've said all along, these idiots are trying to get back at the people who opposed that noble enterprise in Viet Nam that cost 2 million lives.

They still talk about Hippies as though it were still 1967. They're demented, warped, pathological and twisted. I never ever saw anyone burn a flag.

LAst week in England, when Blair started yapping about law and order even though crime is on the decline, the press was all over him. Here the press is the government and there is no opposition. America is so divorced from reality there is really no hope.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

As I've said all along, these idiots are trying to get back at the people who opposed that noble enterprise in Viet Nam that cost 2 million lives.

They still talk about Hippies as though it were still 1967. They're demented, warped, pathological and twisted. I never ever saw anyone burn a flag.

LAst week in England, when Blair started yapping about law and order even though crime is on the decline, the press was all over him. Here the press is the government and there is no opposition. America is so divorced from reality there is really no hope.

12:23 PM  

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