He survived Falluja - what about Ohio's 2nd?
How is he being treated by the Republicans? Like a traitor of course. Hackett, talking about his service as a marine in Iraq, is quoted as saying, "I've said I don't like the son-of-a-bitch that lives in the White House. But I'd put my life on the line for him." The National Republican Congressional Committee decided to "bury him." They have poured more than $500,000 into attack ads against Hackett. Remember W saying "there is no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces?" Unless of course you're a Democrat. Probably depends on what the meaning of "service" is. Should be about three minutes before the t.v. spots with Hackett's photo next to or morphing into Bin Laden or Saddam. Maybe a Ken Burns-like shot of 9/11 rubble with a tag line of "Where was Paul Hackett when America was attacked? He was working against America as a lawyer!" Some ominous music in the background is a no brainer.
What does Hackett's opponent say about his time spent in Iraq? That it was the highest calling? Maybe "he really didn't see much action?" Watch this video of the Republican candidate saying, "Everything’s local. Of course, it’s more important here. The issues that the people have are more important to those individuals than anything outside of that region." So much for Iraq being the central front on the global war or terror. It's more about potholes on Main Street.
But the "liberal" press must be supporting Hackettt right? This promo for Chris Matthews' show Hardball on MSNBC, asking, "will [Hackett's] military service hurt his bid for office?" should put to rest the enduring myth that Matthews is actually a Democrat and that his show and those similar shoutfests on cable treat Democrats better than Republicans. Can you imagine the charges of treason and calls for boycotts and firings if a Republican congressional candidate's military service was questioned as a possible negative for their run for office? Boggles the mind. At least I have the weekend to lower my blood pressure.
BONUS POSTING: Sen. Bill ("She's alive! Alive!") Frist has flip-flopped, uh, changed his mind about stem cell research. Apparently he did some more reading in his book, no, not the Bible but his polling results book, and after four years of arguing that life begins when you are a Republican blastocyst he now supports wider stem cell research. Good to see he's in favor of it now but shouldn't a leader by definition lead the way rather than follow?